Talking about Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn

Talking about Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn
Marcel LeJeune is the Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at St. Mary Catholic Center at Texas A&M. He is a Catholic speaker and author, as well as a friend I have respected for a long time and learned a great deal from. You can learn more about Marcel at his website,
Here he speaks about his new book, Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn.
1. How did you first realize that there was a need for a book like this?
I knew it was a huge problem when I first entered campus ministry 14 years ago and a student walked into my office not long after I got there. Since then I have talked to thousands with the same issue. They want to stop, but can't on their own. I felt a calling to write about it several years ago, but didn't really want to. Who wants to be known as a porn expert?
Still, I couldn't exactly ignore the calling when I felt God was the one who wanted me to do it. I just hope it helps others.
2. If someone said to you, "I view porn regularly, but I don't see it as a problem," what would you say to them?
Then you haven't looked at the evidence, because it is irrefutable at this point. There are no good outcomes for regularly looking at porn. It hurts individuals, relationships, families, and ultimately society. In fact, the science is so overwhelming now, that many former advocates of porn have started to even change their minds, because they know it is harming so many people.
If you don't see it as a problem, then you are either ignorant of the data, choosing to ignore the data, or are lying.
3. You've also blogged on this topic extensively at Have readers contacted you to share stories of struggles, successes, or healing?
Yes. I hear about stories all the time. There are good stories and awful ones. I know of the folks who have had marriages ruined, families destroyed, and lives turned upside down.
Yet, I also hear of relationships that have been healed, marriages saved, and the many people who have turned their lives over to Jesus because of their struggles. They have found hope, healing, and a new start. It is possible to say "yes" to God and "no" to the porn.
It is possible to say "yes" to God and "no" to the porn.
-Marcel LeJeune
4. Is there a demographic that is particularly vulnerable to attachment to porn?
A recent study by Barna shows that teens and young adults are rapidly rising in their use of porn - more than any other demographic. Their acceptance of it socially/morally as well as their use is staggering. The Church really hasn't done enough to meet this needs of those who are struggling.
5. What can people do to support a friend who is battling a porn problem?
Buy my book and follow the advice there.
Really though, it will take the person with the problem admitting they need help before you can help them. But, if they want help, then there are many things you can do.
The first is to model the unconditional mercy of Jesus. Don't rag on them, but stay positive. Love them where they are. Then help lead them gently closer to God. This is the first step.
For more... buy the book.
Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn is available here.
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