8 Catholic Apps You Should Download in a Hurry

8 Catholic Apps You Should Download in a Hurry
There are so many cool things you can put on your smart phone, eh? Among my frequently used apps I have social apps (Twitter/Facebook/Instagram), health apps, music apps, book apps, and apps for entrepeneurs. And that is just to name a few!
What app do you open most often?
Among the many great apps, I hope you have some that support your relationship with Jesus. Every time you take out your smart phone, there is such an opportunity there!
Don't know of too many Catholic apps? Here are 8 recommendations:
1. The Catholic Answers App
Catholic.com is one of the best resources out there. I have been listening to their call-in show for years and have learned immensely from their approach to answering caller questions. This app puts a live feed AND all the recent shows at your finger tips. (You can also easily subscribe to the podcast, but this is still nice.)
2. Ignatius Press/ Lighthouse Catholic Media App
This app contains a fantastic study Bible, daily Mass readings, and in-app purchase option for an audio Bible & the popular Lighthouse Catholic Media talks. BUT it also has a number of FREE talks as well. Find a passage and it will show you related content. Very cool!
3. EWTN App
Mother Angelica (may God rest her soul) was a media pioneer who changed the face of the Church in North America. In founding EWTN, her impact truly can't be overstated. Here is a streaming app that puts the TV and radio programming at your finger tips. So if your cable provider doesn't carry it, pshhh, no worries!
4. Examen Prayer App
St. Ignatius said that the one daily prayer that should never be omitted is the examen (or "examination of consciousness"). For the laymen, this app takes you through the process of this examination by prompting with questions. "If you take advantage of the journaling it will also help you reflect and make changes in your life that will bring you closer to God." Yes, please!
5. Confession: A Roman Catholic App
It may seem weird to be preparing for Confession with a smart phone, but I've found this app to be a big help. A nice feature is personalizing it to your state in life.
6. Bible in One Year
This app is not Catholic in it's origin, but it is used by many Catholics, including myself. Created by Nicky Gumbel of Alpha, the BiOY organizes the scriptures so you can read a portion of Old and New Testament each day and finish the whole canon (almost) in one year. He also gives great reflections to give context. Occasionally you will have to be aware of a Protestant interpretation of a passage, but generally it is a great way to read and pray with the Bible.
7. Catholic Herald Magazine App
The Catholic Herald, England's top Catholic newspaper, become a magazine. Then it became an app. It's one of the Catholic news sources that I wished I could subscribe to, and now I can. Free 3 month trial subscription, and VERY reasonably priced after ($29 per year).
8. The Pope App
An app put out by the Vatican News Service, this one is a one-stop shop for whatever the Holy Father is doing or saying. This one is great to check frequently and when you need a little kick in the middle of the day!
What is your favourite Catholic app? Please share below! And check out our Catholic apps infographic.
And stay tuned for Ben Turland's follow up with his favourite Catholic apps.
Among the many great apps, I hope you have some that support your relationship with Jesus.
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